What are the benefits?
Combining trichloroacetic acid (TCA), kojic acid, and hydrogen peroxide for maximum effect with minimal discomfort
Safe and effective for all skin tones, types, and textures
Can be used to specifically target a wide variety of skin health concerns and cosmetic flaws from laxity, scars, and wrinkles to uneven skin tone and textures
May be effectively applied to almost any area of the face and body
Does not create photosensitivity, making it easier to administer year-round and minimizing the risk of an adverse response
Improves the appearance of the skin immediately and stimulates the skin’s natural healing processes for long-term regenerative results
Men and women of all ages can receive PRX Derm Perfexion treatment safely
It’s beneficial for people of all ages and skin types, and it’s versatile enough to create dramatic results when applied to the treatment of almost any cosmetic flaw or skin health issues. Most importantly, the PRX Derm Perfexion treatment rejuvenates the skin, offering a health benefit for almost any patient.
The only people who should not receive PRX Derm Perfexion treatment are those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, allergic to any of the ingredients of PRX Derm Perfexion, have fresh wounds or sores in the area being treated, have a current infection, and those who have very sensitive skin.
How does it work?
The unique combination of ingredients in PRX Derm Perfexion offers beautiful results by penetrating deep into the dermal and basal layers of the skin to stimulate total rejuvenation and healing while promoting cell turnover and general skin health. The treatment itself is powered by the innovative PRX Derm Perfexion formula. Each of the active ingredients has a unique role to play in the treatment process, delivering exceptional results.
Specifically, the ingredients perform the following functions:
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) – makes up 33% of the formula. It is an active ingredient used for exfoliation in many chemical peels, but it also stimulates the growth of fibroblasts (the body’s main connective tissue cells) and it has anti-inflammatory properties. It also destroys bacteria, microbes, and microscopic dirt and debris that buildup within the pores.
Kojic acid – is a brightening agent that suppresses melanin production. This makes it great for improving skin tone, decreasing pigmentation, and generally delivering brighter, healthier-looking skin.
Hydrogen peroxide – the oxygen released when hydrogen peroxide is applied to the skin lifts out particles, cleaning the surface layers and penetrating deeply to clean the skin gently. It also makes skin cells more sensitive to the other ingredients, maximizing their effectiveness.
The treatment itself is simple and painless. Your dermatologist will thoroughly clean the skin. Then, the PRX Derm Perfexion solution is applied and massaged into the skin until it’s fully absorbed. Several applications of the PRX Derm Perfexion solution will be performed in the same session. Typically, patients receive between two and five applications, depending on their individual treatment plan. Following the applications, the skin will be washed. Then, a deep moisture treatment is applied.
The entire PRX Derm Perfexion treatment session usually lasts about 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the area being treated. Most patients report little to no discomfort during the procedure. There may be some mild tingling or itching, but it should be bearable without the need for any numbing or local anesthetic.
How long with it last?
The number of treatment sessions needed will vary depending on the desired goal and what skin condition is being addressed.
Specifically, your dermatologist may recommend the following PRX Derm Perfexion treatment plans:
For general improvement in skin appearance, tightening, reversing photoaging, or improving skin tone – 1 session a week for 4 to 6 weeks
Hyperpigmentation, freckling, and dark spots – 1 session a month until desired results are achieved
Indented scars – weekly sessions until the appearance and texture of scars improve
Stretch marks – 1 session a week for 4 to 10 weeks or until the desired results are achieved
Acne and acne scarring – 1 session a week for 4 to six weeks
For some conditions like scarring and stretch marks, one course of treatment should be permanent. For the treatment of acne, chronic skin conditions, and general improvement in skin health and appearance, a series of PRX Derm Perfexion treatment sessions should be repeated at least once a year. During your introductory consultation visit, your dermatologist will create a customized treatment plan to address your unique situation.